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BAS-IP Obelisk Intercom Column
Ікона народилася. BAS-IP запускає новий IP-пристрій інтеркому.
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BAS-IP Obelisk Intercom Column
The Icon Is Born. BAS-IP Launches a New Intercom IP Device
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BAS-IP Obelisk Intercom Column
The Icon Is Born. BAS-IP Launches a New Intercom IP Device
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Link Software
Intercom Management Software For Tenants And Companies
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Link Software
Intercom Management Software For Tenants And Companies
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Link Software
Intercom Management Software For Tenants And Companies
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New Devices
Explore Our New Intercom Devices With Unique Features
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New Devices
Explore Our New Intercom Devices With Unique Features
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New Devices
Explore Our New Intercom Devices With Unique Features
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Best IP Intercom System With No Limits & 3 Year Warranty

What Are IP Intercoms?

All household devices are evolving. Progress has not ignored such a conservative market as intercom system.

IP intercoms (intercom over ip or internet based intercom) are intercom systems that harness IP technology (Internet Protocol technology) allowing users to interface with the building’s local network over Wi-Fi opening up a range of security and convenience possibilities.

Intercom System in Kitchen


Our wired intercom systems are easily connected using Ethernet cables (UTP5, UTP6), while our wireless systems utilize Wi-Fi for seamless connectivity. Our intercoms work flawlessly in both configurations and can be integrated into existing local networks within a building. With BAS-IP, there are no limitations on the number of door stations, entry panels, or simultaneous calls within a single system. Programming can be done locally from the intercom monitor or through specialized BAS-IP software.

Intercom panel


BAS-IP offers nearly limitless options when it comes to building your IP video intercom system. As a highly specialized company, we focus on expanding our model range, software, and functionality within a single product group, without venturing into unrelated markets. Our IP intercom systems come with a wide array of features, which you can explore in detail in our dedicated section.

IP Intercom System

High Protection

Our team of experts prioritizes not only convenience and functionality but also the safety, reliability, and protection of our equipment. All BAS-IP software is developed in-house and undergoes regular security audits to ensure the highest levels of protection against external threats.

Why Is BAS-IP Better

BAS-IP is an esteemed international technology enterprise, specializing in the development and production of IP video intercom products, access control systems, and communication solutions. Our robust intercom systems are designed to withstand the elements, making them suitable for outdoor use.

Established in the UK in 2008, BAS-IP has since grown to employ over 50 talented individuals.

Our premier IP intercoms utilize the SIP protocol, earning us the reputation as a SIP intercom (SIP intercom system) or VOIP intercom system provider. All our intercom devices are powered via POE, making BAS-IP systems genuinely POE intercom systems. Crafted with top-grade materials, our intercom housing is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use in various weather conditions.

  • Trustworthy Partner with 15 Years of Industry Experience
  • Sophisticated IP-based intercom systems complete with a diverse product range, including entry panels, indoor monitors and phones, mobile apps, and building management software.
  • Proprietary Technologies and Cutting-Edge Innovations
  • Tailored Project Solutions
  • Open API and SIP 2.0 Protocol Compatibility
  • Effortless Installation and Maintenance
  • Integration with Kone, Control4, Genetec, Milestone, Fibaro, Galaxy Access Control, and more
  • Adaptable Pricing Strategy
  • 3-Year Warranty
  • Reliable Partner With 15 Years of Background
  • Complex Outdoor Intercom System with a comprehensive product range – entry panels, indoor monitors and phones, APP, building management software
  • Own Technologies and Innovations
  • Project Customization
  • Open API and SIP 2.0 Protocol
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance
  • Integration with Kone, Control4, Genetec, Milestone, Fibaro, Galaxy Access Control, and more
  • 3-Year Warranty
  • Wide model range of apartment stations
  • Large selection of access control systems
  • Intercom APP that works anywhere
  • 3 Year Warranty


The British company BAS-IP ltd offers a wide range of door intercom systems to make your home smart and secure.
Having chosen IP intercoms as a priority and main direction, BAS-IP company created and put a wide range of equipment into mass production that meets modern requirements, from individual and building intercoms to access control systems, in a relatively short time. The company pays special attention to device design, user interface, and simple and accessible functionality.

Our systems are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, featuring touch-screen controls for internal monitors, which have become a standard in contemporary devices.

Design Meets Function

Muse Award
European Design Award
NY Product Design Awards
Intersec Awards


BAS-IP intercoms offer compatibility with SIP and RTSP, and seamless integration with access control and video surveillance systems, paving the way for innovative applications of these devices.

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We’ll send our catalog directly to your email.


    The software is designed for the entire line of BAS-IP equipment and is suitable for use at sites of any complexity – in private homes, residences, hospitals, and office centers.

    Intercom Anywhere

    BAS-IP offers intercom systems with a mobile app. You can install our intercom app on any OS. Answer the video call from the outdoor panel, view CCTV cameras, and open the door wherever you are with our cloud server. Forget about missed calls with our push-notifications feature.

    app store google play
    UKEY Mobile Access Control Keyless Smartphone Entry!

    With the BAS-IP UKEY mobile access control APP installed on your iOS or Android device you can open the building doors or receive access to an area with BAS-IP outdoor panels installed and equipped with an up-to-date multi-functional NFC and Bluetooth / BLE reader.

    app store google play
    Software for remote control with complete functionality of all BAS-IP devices

    Link is a door intercom software for centralized access control and the BAS-IP equipment in residential complexes and office centers of varying complexity. It allows you to be flexible in managing all the functionality of your door entry intercom system from anywhere in the world. For data security, we provide a convenient backup and information restore system. No need to worry about its safety.

    Link is available as a cloud service providing extra privacy, and is installed locally for ease of use.


    app store google play

    BAS-IP Link

    Secure Access For Each Apartment

    1 min 31 s


    You can look for residential and shopping complexes, luxury apartments and clubhouses, and gated communities among the global completed projects equipped with our IP-based intercom.
    You can look closer at them by visiting the “Reference projects.” All our SIP intercoms are fully original and have a 3-year factory warranty from the service center. If you haven’t decided yet about this or that model or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our specialists through the feedback form, and they will help you quickly choose the most suitable variant.

    Want to Install BAS-IP on Your Project?

    Customization: Individual Solutions for Everyone

    We understand that every client has unique requirements, and we strive to provide customizable solutions to suit your specific needs. Our team works closely with you to develop tailored products that deliver outstanding performance. Choose the color, size, material, installation method, and engraving.

    Individual Color Solution

    This is an extraordinary solution that will emphasize the uniqueness of any project. The unique color of the equipment is a trend in various design solutions and is used in many countries.

    Replacing The Reader

    The ability to change the current reader in the entrance panels to the one needed for the developer/ customer when necessary.
    See more

    Unique Interface

    We offer not only hardware but also software customized solutions. Build your own interface for the specific project.

    News & Articles

    Follow our new intercom system devices and updates. Stay up-to-date with all the exhibitions in which we take part. Read our articles about the intercom and ACS market.


    Модернізуйте стару двопровідну домофонну систему до сучасної IP-системи. Промо-комплект включає в себе все необхідне обладнання: Для уточнення деталей та оформлення замовлення зверніться до свого менеджера. Акція діє з 13 листопада по 13 грудня 2023 року. Не пропустіть свій шанс!


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    Ми раді повідомити, що BAS-IP візьме участь у виставці APS на стенді нашого партнера, компанії ARD. Дата проведення: 3-5 жовтня 2023 рокуКраїна: ФранціяМісце проведення: Париж, Версальська брамаСтенд: B35 APS – це найбільша подія у сфері безпеки та пожежної безпеки у Франції, і ми не могли пропустити можливість продемонструвати наші останні інноваційні рішення та технології. На […]


    Ми раді повідомити, що BAS-IP візьме участь у виставці Intersec Saudi Arabia 2023! Дата проведення: 3-5 жовтня 2023 р.Місце проведення: Міжнародний виставковий центр Ер-РіядаКраїна: Саудівська АравіяСтенд: 1-D09 На цьому заході ми продемонструємо наше новітнє обладнання та технології. Не пропустіть свій шанс дізнатися більше про наші інноваційні рішення! Слідкуйте за нашими новинами та приходьте до нас […]


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    BAS-IP is represented in more than 60 countries on four continents.